Love on a bike – Summer holiday on 2 wheels

If  you are buying a “Love on a bike” product from VisitNordsjælland you can choose to stay at Sankt Helene in Tisvildeleje.

Tisvildeleje is a good starting point for many interesting bike tours  and we even have our own biking maps that you can download right below.

Download cykelkort 1

Whether you want to make a roundtrip or to use Sankt Helene as your base, it is a good idea to bring your own bike. The area has lots of good bicycling tracks and plenty of fresh air.


Nordkyststien – bicycling route 47 – stretching from Helsingør to Hundested. The route is following  the beautiful coast of Kattegat, and on your way you will pass historical sites, panoramic views, wonderful restaurants, beaches and much more. The entire route is 66 km.

Local  Bicycling routes 701 og 702

Short routes that you can make within a few hours from Sankt Helene.

Laugø – Ørby – Pøleåstien (Tisvilde – Hillerød)

Route 32 connects Hillerød and Tisvildeleje

Local Food Route 

Get a map in the reception and visit producers of local food, from strawberries, wine to the most amazing local beef.